Phosphorus deficiency despite fertilization

Why do we use fertilizers?

Because we want to provide plants with the right amount of nutrients necessary for proper development and growth.

Unfortunately, some of the ingredients introduced by us will not benefit the plants - they will be washed out or will be accumulated in the soil in a form inaccessible to plants.

This problem particularly concerns phosphorus - an element of great importance in cultivation. Soils in Poland are rich in phosphorus - unfortunately, most of it is a form of phosphorus unavailable to plants. Phosphorus deficiency negatively affects plant growth, reducing the size and quality of the crop.

How to deal with such a situation?

Fortunately, soil microorganisms come to the rescue! These small inconspicuous worms are able to transform the phosphorus accumulated in the soil into a bioavailable form, easily absorbed by plants.

What are the benefits of the appropriate amount and activity of these microorganisms?

  • Making available the phosphorus accumulated in the soil
  • Better use of the phosphorus supplied with the fertilizer
  • Reduction of fertilization costs
  • Proper growth and development of plants


Phosphorus in the soil. How to use the resources that are already there? Vol. I, Vegetables Field, 25.03.2022, online: %20method%20ogrodnicza%20, access: 31.07.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX



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